We have had great success integrating cutting edge tech into the engineering curriculum at several universities. We can do it for yours also! Not only does this make student’s course work more relevant but it also inspires the entrepreneur in many of them.

Curriculum Enhancement

The CAESAR Group has been working with faculty at a wide variety of colleges and universities to get Tech Transfer on the radar of enterprising students. This started with integration of licensable tech into their entrepreneurial courses. During 2019 we started a unique program, called STEM to STERN, to promote Tech Transfer within the engineering curriculum. You can see the details below. We invite colleges and universities who grant engineering degrees to discuss with us how to implement this program in their school.

STEM is widely known as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Our program extends STEM to include Entrepreneurship opportunities with cutting edge technologies. Students Transforming Entrepreneurship Right Now” or, STERN.

“The impact that technology transfer has made to date and will continue to make is immeasurable. Databases and websites that allow for this transfer of knowledge are extremely important and should not be overlooked as they might have hidden gems and unique solutions for the problems that engineers are trying to solve. By spreading this knowledge, everyone benefits, whether directly or indirectly, which helps to propel technology and innovation into the future. ” Thomas Gadek, SUNY Poly Marcy NY

The transformation is occurring in multiple pilot programs that started in the fall semester of 2019. The pilot embraces the CAESAR Group’s tech transfer (T2) mission to collaborate with the decision makers in private industry to bring Air Force, other military, and university developed technology to the commercial marketplace. Using the Tech Portfolio at our website as a baseline, we are accelerating T2 by bringing it to the classroom. The basic idea is exposing students to technical solutions that are embodied by IP and then have the students learn the principles used to arrive at that solution. This is an adoption of a “top-down” approach that has been used for software design.

The CAESAR Group is not acting alone here; the pilot is being undertaken by professors at SUNY Poly, Utica College, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Tennessee State University, and Canisius College. Data from students have already been acquired including tips for keeping curriculum relevant, tools to guide students toward success, and evolving technology and its impact on jobs.

STEM’s influence on the economy is enormous and underscores the relevance of our “Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math to Students Transforming Entrepreneurship Right Now” initiative – aka STEM to STERN. The transformation, although in its nascent stages, is now evident by witnessing students being propelled towards their career objectives with the reduced risk of being ill-equipped or lacking the ability to put theory to practice. STEM to STERN, by embracing “from one end to the other end” is serving to illuminate STEM opportunities and challenges that lie ahead and point students in the direction of successful strategies and useful tools as they navigate toward career fulfilment.